Sweet Loafs for a Sweeter 2018

And just like that, 2017 is over. Now, everyone is focused on making a list of things they want to do differently or things they want to do but never have this 2018. Why not add bread making to that list?

If bread making is unfamiliar territory, now is a good time to explore. We’ll also be giving you a few basic tips to help make your breads a success! Here are three bread recipes from The Maya Kitchen to kick off your year.

Our Chelsea Loaf is our take on the traditional Chelsea Bun, which was made popular in 18 th Century England. Like it’s predecessor, the Chelsea Loaf includes citrus peel and candied fruits combined with spices and brushed with a hot glaze.

While this recipe may not be easy for beginners, don’t be intimidated. Just follow our step-by step recipe and do your research. When it comes to bread making, make sure to have all your ingredients laid out in front of you. Generally, it’s important to do this when it comes to working with dough—it requires your full focus and makes all the difference in the taste and texture of your loaf.

Serve when you have company and spread it with some French butter for a richer taste.

Those who received the much-coveted fruitcake as a Christmas present are most likely serving them for dessert now. As you may or may not know, this liquor- soaked cake “ages like fine wine” (Note that that’s as far as this saying goes because fruitcake is usually soaked in brandy).

Our version is a healthy twist to this popular holiday dessert as it has a whole- wheat component. Our Whole What Fruitcake is easy to prepare as we take away the need for most of the dry ingredients by using Maya Whole Wheat Pancake Mix.

Be vigilant when it comes to baking breads in an oven unless you want them burnt. Fruitcake contains “fruits,” and they burn faster than the batter. Instead of sticking in the thermometer once to check if the cake is done, get a reading from other areas of the loaf, as it could be reading the temperature of the fruit.

Legit fruitcake is one that is aged in an airtight container for at least a few days before serving.

Did you think we didn’t have something for the kids? Wrong. Our Chocolate Walnut Loaf Bread is sure to be a hit with its fudgy-nutty flavor. This recipe uses chocolate chips and chopped walnuts as its main ingredients.

This recipe calls for instant dry yeast, but as a tip, try using wet yeast instead for your bread. This guarantees more flavor, and a beautiful texture just make sure to allow your dough to rise until it has doubled in size then deflate it.

Topped with a chocolate ganache sauce, you can be sure this loaf will disappear before your eyes in just one sitting.

So, there you have it: three delicious loaves to kick off your 2018. We’re so looking forward to giving you more delicious ideas this year. Let us know how your bread making turns out by leaving a comment below!

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